
The idea is to read faces and listen to stories.

With this objective to answer one question :

How Icelandic peoples, living outside urban centers faced the crisis of 2008 ?

From 13rd to 23rd may 2011, let’s have a new look about Icelandic peoples, let’s see great landscapes of course, but let’s take some time to ask permission to make some photos, let’s ask for informations about living in the cold and the loneliness.  Let’s listen to wind, let’s listen to legends and fairy tales to happen…

Let’s discover with humility Peoples that lived thousands of year on a small island lost between ice  and fire ….

With the food budget of the children for next two years (sure they’ll understand later)

With the magical help of my partners (you can see the subtle wink i’m making to you right now)

With a great equipment (another wink)

With my patient, comprehensive and beautifull (clever, tall, greened eyed) girlfriend

We’re going to Iceland to see earth breathe, and to read faces

Answer this question about their hard life, experiencing more difficulties from 2008 to 2010 is an important point to me. It’s an important point because i want to show, share the courage, ingenuity of peoples. Whatever is their life level whatever are their origin, their social origin etc…

What are we able to do in front of hard times ? Is the underlying question in this documentary.

I’ll answer this with an analogic medium format camera and another little accessory that’ll be very important in the project. It’ll be important in order to let us « read » the faces of the people.

These photographies will start their life in a book for some of them, and in an exhibition for another part.

Don’t think about what you can get, think about what you can give

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